Club de Golf Triangle d'Or cover picture

Club de Golf Triangle d'Or

Saint-Michel, Canada
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Gold 72.2/128481381177376351349172482372314135236432018335846236814448630376178
Blue 70.6/125481357162357335330164458356300033635031416833344034512545928705870
White 69.6/123467343151338319317155443347288032135030415632043032512544327745654
Silver 67.2/118443311141326302294145401316267926230728914430139131111342925475226
HCP Men111133715179510416861421812
Red 71.3/12340027613131328928514538931025382522982831312943823029039024224960
HCP Women137171591511386121821441610


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